Friday, November 19, 2010

first couple of weeks at Presidio

Our first project started almost two weeks ago in San Francisco at the Presidio. We are doing environmental restoration throughout the park for about 6 weeks. The first few days were spent getting to know our surroundings and the Presidio as an organization. This place is pretty freaking cool. We can see the Golden Gate Bridge almost anywhere in the park. Another view that is great is at Inspiration Point with the view of Alcatraz. We have completed a good number of projects in the short amount of time.
In progress of Landscaping project
We completed a landscaping project the first week that we were here. We took out the grass that was on the area, planted new trees and shrubbery, and then we added a drip line irrigation system to keep the plants watered.

This past week we worked on a community garden.

Kobbe Community Garden

The goal of the project was to create and add 12 planter boxes to the garden. The team put together the sides of the box on the job site. Some of the team members had to attached chicken wire to the boxes so that gophers wouldn't eat up the vegetables and plants. We had to terrace the ground to put the boxes in the ground. It was quiet the project to see completed.

Finished terraced area

Adding chicken wire to the planters to keep the gophers out

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