Friday, November 19, 2010

Eric's note

Here is quick note from Eric:

So, right now, as some of you may know, I am currently in San Francisco, working for The Presidio Trust. This is a local national park that sits right beside the Golden Gate Bridge. A little background, founded around 1776 by the Spanish this place has its history. Mainly, its purpose has stood for war, so the military has built it up over the years as a base. The 7 square miles of park was deemed no longer necessary for military use, roughly in the 90s. So the national park service took over and formed this Trust in attempts to beautify the park for; its current residents, the businesses, the wildlife, the gardens, and the visitors. This is where I come in, and my newly formed family of 10 whom I share every waking moment with. As you may figure, it can be very frustrating, trying, testing, and so forth, but ultimately it has been a blast and I look forward to many more fun adventures with these people. Back to what I'm doing for I am about to make everyone jealous. We wake up, immediately walk outside to a big red giant known as the Golden Gate Bridge, all lit up and looking pretty. We then go for a run, most mornings, for 5 minutes until we hit Crissy Field, which is a stretch of road, fields, wildlife protection areas, marsh, sand, beach, and water, all this looks out onto the San Francisco bay, which includes Angel Island, Alcatraz, and other breathtaking areas. After this lovely run, we eat our breakfast, dress ourselves, and meet up with the friendly staff of the Presidio. They then direct us to our work site, which so far has consisted of, pulling turf, and planting our own garden where the turf once stood. Check my pictures and you will find my redwood tree that I planted, if you don't believe it, come out and see it for yourself, it will be there for many, many, many, many lifetimes. As well as that, we just finished building 12x4 ft gardening boxes for residents of the Persidio where they can plant whatever their hearts desire, we also chipped that area and weeded it to make it look pretty. Weeding is a lot of what we do, I kind of enjoy it for some reason, it's kinda relaxing. Those are typical workdays, I do all this while enjoying beautiful sights of the landmarks I previously named, along with beautiful exotic foreign cars, beautiful people, and beautiful plants and wildlife. I was faced with 2 different coyotes, both within 10 feet of me. It was pretty cool. I also met Patrick Corvington, a cool dude and Obama's right hand man. These are the highlights of my life at the moment, more will come, and I will keep everyone who reads these updated. Also, a west coast sunset is almost as beautiful as an east coast sunrise. Still trying to figure out which I like more, it's a tough choice.

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