Sunday, May 29, 2011

First Full Week

BLUNO has made it to the last round of AmeriCorps NCCC!!

The team completed their first full week of work last week. We are working four days a week with 10 hours days. With our site supervisors, Gary and Eric, we started out the week at Robinson Lake. The team was split into two teams to tackle on trail. Each team started at one end of the trail and we worked our way to the middle. We tilled up the soil along the path and took out the weeds and unnecessary rocks that were in the way of the path. The next two days, the team spent time at Brush Lake. We stayed with our teams and did the same thing with another trail but this time it took two days because the path was longer.

Thursday was a day of RAIN! The team was split into two different teams again. This time around we actually worked on two different projects. One half of the team worked at a nearby campground. They bucked and hauled wood into a trailer. Members of the team also lopped and cut shrubbery to make room for cars on the road. The other half of the team planted native trees at Snyder Ranger Station. During lunch our wonderful sponsors invited camp hosts and the team to a great lunch. We got to meet the camp hosts and enjoy a home cooked meal as well as warm up from being in the rain all morning.  After lunch the team went to an area that had been in logged and there were left over trees that we bucked and carried to a trailer. These logs are going to be made into a fence that the Forest Service is going to make.

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